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March 2024


Passion Play - Birmingham800Re: 'Seeing the Easter story brought to life is a dramatic and moving experience for everyone' 

We’ve produced the Chester City Passion on 4 occasions last time was 2022 - we work with the Chester Mystery Play who performed in 2023 - we will probably do it again 2025 we have in the past received grants from the Passion Trust. Re: 'Seeing the Easter story brought to life is a dramatic and moving experience for everyone' 
Andy Glover (via Facebook)

Blessed to be hosting a passion play from RISE Theatre in Reading. At the first performance 7 people made decisions to follow Jesus. We will be in Reading town centre for the next three days with performance’s everyday plus worship, youth and children’s activities, street evangelism and much more. 
Gareth Owen (via Facebook)

I was once part of a Passion Play that went through the streets of Preston. As an unnamed disciple I had to run away in the Garden of Gethsemane but I was unused to running a') in sandals b.) in a long robe and c') without my glasses. I stumbled and fell and in trying to get up I stumbled and fell again but someone grabbed me under the shoulder and pulled me up and along. As I fell I had a sense of panic and afterwards I realised something of the panic the disciples must have been feeling and also realised that once you start running you don't stop.
David Evans (via Facebook)


Home Affairs Select Committee8Re: Churches defend integrity over asylum seeker welcome at Select Committee 

What excellent input by Steve Tinning to the Home Affairs Select Committee. We are also seeing many sincere truly saved asylum seekers joining us.
Alex Afriye (via Facebook)


Jackie Lincoln800Re: For those in peril on the sea… 

Thank you @thefishmish for your work with parish nurse Jackie and her team to bring health education & spiritual care to the hardworking fishing community of the NE.
Anne Taylor (via Twitter)

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June, July, August 2024
The creativity of Ocean Church; Beyond Christian Zionism
May 2024
Rwanda; William Carey; Baptist crime novels
April 2024 
Looking back at the ministry of the Baptist Union Retreat Group; the creation story
March 2024  
Passion plays; Home Affairs Select Committee
February 2024  
Living well with God
January 2024 
The death of the celebration style church?; Gaza and speaking up; What might a kingdom business look like?
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