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May 2024


Rwanda response800Re: 'We retain deep misgivings about the safety of the Rwanda Bill' 

The plan to send refugees to Rwanda is totally and terribly WRONG
I'm not saying there shouldn't be checks on who is allowed into the country, but they need to be treated as human beings
There's only ONE HUMAN RACE
Meg, via Facebook

WH Carey 800Re: William Carey - more than the father of modern missions? 

I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed Mark Roques' piece on William Carey. It was a real education as he is not a man I knew anything about. I appreciated that Mark did not sugar coat his  life, what with the poverty, marital/ parental struggles, and the tremendous challenges on first arriving in India.

Nevertheless, here was a man who extended the Kingdom of God in so many marvellous ways!

It is so important for us to hear inspiring stories like this, that affirm following God IN ALL AREAS of life. Mission is still a word carrying dualistic baggage, as if the only possible callings for us are evangelism or poverty relief. I myself work as a musician, and sometimes feel in church that my day to day vocation is considered a bit Vauxhall Conference, as opposed to the Premier League of full time church work.
Tim Bowman 


Paying in Blood by Karen HadenRe: 'The different threads in my life gradually combined in a new way' 

What Karen Haden is trying to achieve in writing a crime novel is really impressive. We are bombarded with crime dramas (eg Vera) whose characters are thoroughly secular. All too often God is sidelined, ignored and sometimes mocked. I hope and pray that Karen’s novels will be bestsellers.
Mark Roques

Asbury800 (1)Re: New church planting programme at St Hild

I’ve just completed this Doctorate. I’d recommend it.
Nick Allan (via Facebook)


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June, July, August 2024
The creativity of Ocean Church; Beyond Christian Zionism
May 2024
Rwanda; William Carey; Baptist crime novels
April 2024 
Looking back at the ministry of the Baptist Union Retreat Group; the creation story
March 2024  
Passion plays; Home Affairs Select Committee
February 2024  
Living well with God
January 2024 
The death of the celebration style church?; Gaza and speaking up; What might a kingdom business look like?
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