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Did you write a letter to Peru in 1993? Juan wants to say thank you! 

More than 30 years ago Tearfund asked its supporters to act in support of a Christian falsely arrested in Peru. Now he’s coming to the UK to say thank you. Stephen Rand explains more 

In 1993 Peru was being torn apart by a vicious internal conflict between the ‘Shining Path’ guerrillas and the armed forces. And ordinary people were caught in the middle: many people ‘disappeared’; many were arbitrarily arrested even though totally innocent.

Juan Mallea800Juan Mallea was a Christian. He earned his living as a taxi driver. On 10 July 1993 Juan was woken in the early hours of the morning to take a neighbour to another part of Lima. When they arrived, anti-terrorist police arrested his passenger – and arrested Juan as well.

He was presented at a televised press conference as a captured terrorist; the President of Peru also appeared on national TV to reinforce the accusation.

Juan’s church alerted CONEP, the Evangelical Church Council of Peru, who were already defending men and women who had been arrested as suspected terrorists. CONEP, a Tearfund partner, asked for help.
Tearfund supporters were encouraged to write to the Peruvian Embassy in London, and send letters to Cristina, Juan’s wife, who was expecting a baby. Hundreds did.

Juan Mallea Tear TimesJuan was released after ten months imprisonment and torture. He held his 5-month-old son Caleb for the first time.

But throughout his ordeal his faith had remained strong. ‘I have a strong and living God who is always with me and helping me’ he told CONEP lawyers while he was in prison.

Cristina deeply valued the letters and cards she received. Thirty years later they are still kept, and remembered.

And now Juan and Cristina are planning a visit to the UK in September in order to ‘know the country and people that gave us the support in the difficult times in our lives’. 

Did you write to Cristina? She and Juan would love to meet you. Did someone in your church write to her?

Ask around. They might love to know that their plea for justice and their act of kindness did not – and has not – go unnoticed.

Contact stephen.rand@orchardbaptistchurch.org 

Image | Article from Tear Times in 1993 documenting Juan's release


Baptist Times, 17/07/2024
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Did you write a letter to Peru in 1993? Juan wants to say thank you! 
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