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Supporting families in your community 

Christian signposting charity the National Parenting Initiative can help your church determine how best to work with families in your community. One of the ways it does this is through its free monthly online vision events. Kayte Potter explains more 

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'An amazing hour and some incredible ministries', is how Ian Watt, part of The Cairn Baptist ministry in Bristol, summed up our free, hour-long vision event.

As a Christian signposting charity, the National Parenting Initiative has a vision to see churches support and empower families in their community.  We outwork this in a number of ways including by running free monthly online vision events, which aim to equip and inspire those who work or volunteer with families with information on resources and courses to support families.

Perhaps you’re a volunteer, running a toddler group or a families worker looking to start a parenting course; maybe you’re a pastor looking to find out more about family hubs or you’re a member of the congregation keen to reach out to dads in your local community.  

Whatever you’re imagining up, we would love to point you in the direction of amazing charities who are able to equip you to realise your vision.  Whether you have an idea already in mind or are looking for inspiration, our vision events are a great place to start.

At our events, you will get a chance to hear from speakers from great organisations before having break out room opportunities to ask questions and find out specifics.  

Peter Den Haan, former minister of Leamington Baptist Church, shared that 'The event put some options on my radar which I didn't even know existed. Big thank you from me. I would definitely recommend to others.'

So, what are you waiting for? Sign up to one of our upcoming events! If your area isn’t listed, please do sign up anyway, as all the events follow the same format. 

If you would like us to run an event for your area, or have any questions about the NPI, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with Kayte via office@thenpi.org.uk

Kayte Potter is the communication and engagement lead at the National Parenting Initiative

Baptist Times, 12/08/2022
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